Thursday, May 23, 2002

Today is the the magic day! Last day of the TDY blog!

That's right, today I go home, back to the wife and kid, back to the big "X", back to lead (or wander aimlessly) the mushroom revolution. It's 10:39 now and only about another 20 minutes before we get "walked" out. First we have to fill out the paperwork that cancels our account and promises we won't discuss anything we saw (oops too late for that), etc. etc. We all know how that works.

The guys here got together and gave us some cake and I got a real nice card with comments inside. Everyone has told us how much they will miss us and how good of a co-worker I was. I feel almost kind of misty, but then I realize that I'm going HOME where I have co-workers that are missing me (at least I think they are). I set up the permanent out of office rule and I'm about to re-clone my machine to erase any incriminating evidence. I do have to admit, that I will miss working closely with the other TDY people, especially Ms Pat, Mr Tom, and Mr Fred. We had some fun times busting each other's chops, but now the only ones left here with be Ms Pat & Mr Fred. They are posted here until the middle of July. You folks might not know that Ms Pat has contributed quite a few documents to Ed's Place at the X, and it has been fun watching her chase these guys around trying to get them to sit down and walk through what they do so she can write it all down.

Of course I took lots of pictures yesterday and today, so you can see who all the people are, and while I'm on vacation I'll be re-vamping the Daily Bitch Homepage and posting all these fine pics.

Well it's time to roll! Signing off from Rockville, Maryland! No, don't worry, the blog will continue, because I sure that DeJuan is going to give me lots and lots to blog about. Thanks for tuning in, see you in a week!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Well I got a call yesterday and I thought I would discuss it today.

Hmmm, I guess first I should say, that everyone has their day in the sun, and along that same lines, when you mess up you get in the blog! So today, the semi-annual "That's why you don't touch people stuff" award goes to Mr. Joe. Along with this award comes the "You did what to my hard drive?" technology prize. I don't want to beat on Mr Joe too much, but he definately deserves it. I'm sure he'll want to split the honor with Mr. John for telling me. Oh well it happens. At least Mr John salvaged a lot of my personal data. That's nice, good thing (because I had the wierdest thought I would have to "sanitize" my machine when we moved into DeJuan's house) I backed up my data (the important stuff) to 2 CDs before I left. Hopefully (hint, hint) all my hardware will be back to normal when I get back AFTER my vacation. Here I thought I was just going to come in on Friday and offload all my data from the laptop. Talk about taking a productivity drop!

Had a little meeting with Ms. Helen this morning to discuss a document that I had wrote. She seemed very interested, it's too bad I was only able to get about 20 minutes of her time. Felt a bit short-changed and really couldn't explain myself. I think I'm really going to miss most of the people here, especially the folks I've worked really close with.

For those keeping track...still no Amex card delivered to my house. Too bad Ms Sue told me not to call AMEX so I can't talk (harass) them about where the card is.

Oh well....

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

I know... I know... The text is scroooollllliiinnng across the screen. That is because of my May 16th blog. I made the mistake of scrolling a single word across the screen. Now, I can't go back and edit it, all of the rest of them I can, but for some reason the software is not letting me do that.

Soooo... The workaround for this is to look over on the left and use the ARCHIVE link for this week. The settings are to show the last 7 days of blogs so this will be hosed for another couple of days. Then is should straighten itself out (I hope).

I'm also trying to get the text a smidge bigger.

Picky, picky. But if everyone is reading it, then I guess I should be happy!
Ok, looks like someone had a bad server day! The blog is lets chat...

Now, does everyone know what Tourette Syndrome is? According to a medical journal it is this: Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated involuntary movements and uncontrollable vocal (phonic) sounds called tics. In a few cases, such tics can include inappropriate words and phrases. The disorder is named for Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the pioneering French neurologist who first described an 86-year-old French noblewoman with the condition in 1885.

But this is the part we are interested in.....TS patients may utter strange and unacceptable sounds, words, or phrases. It is not uncommon for a person with TS to continuously clear his or her throat, cough, sniff, grunt, yelp, bark, or shout.

Did you see that part about throat clearing? I bring attention to this for 1 simple reason: MR. "YOU KNOW WHO" OBVIOUSLY HAS THIS!!! See, I noticed from the first day I worked with him. It wasn't so bad, until Mr. Scot (one of the "guys" here) asked him if that was his car starting impression. So today after almost 40 days of this noise, I did a little experiment. I put up a piece of paper and everytime he grunted, I put up a tick mark. Guess what? Since 7:45am this morning, he has done it 53 times. Yeah...that's 53 as in halfway to a hundred!! AND THAT'S ONLY THE ONES I NOTICED!!

Yep, it's bugging the shit out of me. Now it's a joke. I've even discussed it with Mr. Tom & Ms. Pat, you know, debating on how to count them. See sometimes he does it twice, with a brief pause between 1 & 2. Now is that just one or should it count as two. That is the length of our debate. Kind of weak ain't it.

Nothing much happening here. Took Mr. Steve out to lunch to thank him for being a good guy (he was the mgr we reported to while here). Besides that, only 2 days left. I brought the camera this week, so you will be able to see all of these people out on the Daily Bitch Homepage. If anything else happens, I'll pop it in.

Who's my bitch?
Hey...where's my blog? It is missing?

test blog

Monday, May 20, 2002

Monday morning Haiku:

My teeth are nashing,
Amex card not in mail, shit!
No charge for Artie!

Yep. That's right, nothing in the mail even though the lady on the phone said Friday delivery. I wonder if I can call and get a reference or tracking number. Then again, I have been told by my manager-who-prefers-not-to-be-named-in-my-blog that his manager told me I'm not supposed to be calling Amex.

Bummer, Thanks DeJuan! BTW, I did get the official "ask" to go to Canuck-Land to help Ed's setup company do some renovations. Yeah right. Not even if you gave me the freakin' card and a large suitcase of money. Anyone who volunteers for one of these "missions" should come and see me. I'll be more then happy to give you the number to my therapist. She seems pretty nice, but she keeps telling me I might have issues that she won't be able to help me with.

Can you say Prozac? Last week - 4 days, 3 nights left. Thank God!

Sunday, May 19, 2002

It's Sunday!!

I goofed up and now I'm afraid. See I said I was going over to help a buddy do some painting but I ran into a small snag. Actually two large ones and a small one. See, Saturday I was going to help paint, but Friday night, my brother Scot calls and says his girlfriend / mother of his child (there's more but we'll save that for the DB) is missing us and we haven't seen the new baby since it was born and could they come up? Sure, my wife says, but she has forgotten that she is going to be in class all day Saturday and I'll be doing the entertaining. I tried to broach the subject of leaving them alone for a couple of hours, but then we got into that "how do we lock the house AND what if you're not back and we need to get in" conversation.

Long story short, I didn't go. I kept meaning to call, but by the time I found the number it was 2 hours later then when I had planned to go over. So now I feel like a total shithead. Especially since I was trying to talk my fellow co-workers into going with me. Something tells me I really have a ration comeing my way for this little action, or should I say in-action.

Once again, I'm a dork.