Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Ok, looks like someone had a bad server day! The blog is back....so lets chat...

Now, does everyone know what Tourette Syndrome is? According to a medical journal it is this: Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated involuntary movements and uncontrollable vocal (phonic) sounds called tics. In a few cases, such tics can include inappropriate words and phrases. The disorder is named for Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the pioneering French neurologist who first described an 86-year-old French noblewoman with the condition in 1885.

But this is the part we are interested in.....TS patients may utter strange and unacceptable sounds, words, or phrases. It is not uncommon for a person with TS to continuously clear his or her throat, cough, sniff, grunt, yelp, bark, or shout.

Did you see that part about throat clearing? I bring attention to this for 1 simple reason: MR. "YOU KNOW WHO" OBVIOUSLY HAS THIS!!! See, I noticed from the first day I worked with him. It wasn't so bad, until Mr. Scot (one of the "guys" here) asked him if that was his car starting impression. So today after almost 40 days of this noise, I did a little experiment. I put up a piece of paper and everytime he grunted, I put up a tick mark. Guess what? Since 7:45am this morning, he has done it 53 times. Yeah...that's 53 as in halfway to a hundred!! AND THAT'S ONLY THE ONES I NOTICED!!

Yep, it's bugging the shit out of me. Now it's a joke. I've even discussed it with Mr. Tom & Ms. Pat, you know, debating on how to count them. See sometimes he does it twice, with a brief pause between 1 & 2. Now is that just one or should it count as two. That is the length of our debate. Kind of weak ain't it.

Nothing much happening here. Took Mr. Steve out to lunch to thank him for being a good guy (he was the mgr we reported to while here). Besides that, only 2 days left. I brought the camera this week, so you will be able to see all of these people out on the Daily Bitch Homepage. If anything else happens, I'll pop it in.

Who's my bitch?

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