Saturday, March 17, 2007

Wow. That's all I can say.

Went to see "300" on Thursday night (yeah, I'm just now posting about it). What a great movie! Not because of the acting, but because of the cinematography. I mean watching a movie that you are WATCHING the movie, not fawning over the actors.

It's based LOOSELY of the Battle of Thermopolyae that happened during the Greco-Persian wars. One of the final battles, it was one of the most memorable. Obviously since we still remember over 2200 years later. Which is amazing when you think of it. This all happened BC, as in before Jesus was born and we know that it has been a while since he was strolling the block.

The movie is not really a date movie. That is unless of course you want your date swooning over all the buff dudes in their leather speedos. I couldn't believe that one myself. They should come out with a "300" calendar for the ladies. All the Spartans "strikin' a pose" for 12 months. I'm sure it would sell to a lot of geeks too. One of the "I'm not gay" things for some of them....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

So as I'm talking to someone, I realize that I could be making money. I know the idea of sandwich boards or signs isn't new, but what about the idea of "meatspace" pop-up ads?

See, the way it would work, is that you could sell your time to ad companies. Time that you would waste, like having conversations, on the way to the water cooler, waiting for coffee. You could just print out the ads you want to show and then put them in a three ring binder you hang around your neck. Then every couple of minutes, you could flip the page showing a new ad.

It's been done before I realize, but never ON people. You see them at the baseball & basketball games on the sidelines. I'm proposing the same thing, except ON PEOPLE.

Right now, it could just be something printed. Maybe later, I'll evolve it into like a scrolling electronic thing.