Thursday, March 20, 2003

So it begins....

It's started, no not the WAR in Iraq. I'm talking about the other side of the war that everyone sees the protesters! See I love this country, no matter whether we are right or wrong in what we do, I love America. The freedoms we are granted, freedom of the press, of religion, and most of all speech. That is what allows these folks to do what they do: Protest.

Protest is the heart of our county. It is written in our history. It is that little part of all us that wants to do something when we are wrong. I mean, there is a whole religion based on the protest of Catholicism. Yeah, it's called Protestant, but I'm wandering, back to the present.

Protesting is what we do in order to do when a group of people share an opinion that differs from the popular opinion. It makes our country great. You don't have to get a permit (sometimes) so you can pretty much do it at the drop of hat. Occassionally you can get arrested and sometimes you can cause a little shuffle (just watch them crazy white supremecists try and march anywhere).

Today though, someone decided to make an impression by decided to start their protest at 5PM. Downtown. Yeah, 5PM on a Thursday. Rush hour. WHO THE FUCK DID THEY THINK THEY WERE IMPRESSING? Come on! You had enough people that you could of got on the news either way. It get's better, they were marching to the Federal Building. The Federal Building at 5pm? Someone must have been stoned. It's 5pm you fucking idiots!! Shit, the DMV closes at 4:30, so who did you think was going to be watching?? Here's a really bright idea, next time do it at LUNCH TIME!! Then you'll not only catch people there, you can annoy them on thier LUNCH HOUR! That will really garner you some attention. I bet people down there will be really happy since you'll be delaying them in getting lunch and getting back to work. Extended lunch hour courtesy of the war protest.

No instead you decide you have to do it right in the middle of RUSH HOUR! People are trying to get home to thier families. Get away from work. Just plain get out of downtown. Now we have to deal with dipshits parading down main street stopping traffic. Stopping people who could possibly join thier protest maybe be swayed in the way they might feel about the war. Nope, they are in the middle of rush hour causing problems. Of course what happened here is nothing. In San Fransisco protesters there snarled morning rush hour traffic for an hour. In Philadelpha, they blocked the entrances to the federal buildings there. That is my idea of a nice protest as long as it's a sunny day. Have that extra cup of coffee and watch the festivities.

Even the Police chief asked the protesters to ease off. Because the more of these assholes like to get together the more police have to drawn away from real emergencies. So take note, do it the right way and try not to piss people off.

On the other hand, if I hear another self-indulgant, self-asorbed, never once set foot in a battlefield MOTHERFUCKER say that they are "ashamed to be an American," I will find their address, e-mail, or phone number and tell them to pack thier shit and get the hell out of this country! I can't stand to hear that! Ashamed? Color me astonished! I just can't believe that someone would say that. This is great county and people have died to make sure you can say that. No one would ever think to say that during WW2 much less after Korea. That is just plain old wrong.

"Freedom has a taste, that those who have never fought for it, will never know."