Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Now I know that line of code looks wierd below, but I've joined the BlogChalking rage. Go check it out!

Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, United States, Rochester, NY, Charlotte, Art, Male, 31-35!

Monday, July 22, 2002

Ok, first of all, I know that I've set my goals a little high, maybe I should just put out new issues whenever I freaking feel like it. That appears to be a little more my speed. So anyway, onto what's bugging me because that's why you're here.

Sometimes I have to admit that when I want to vent, I don't want to contain it right here. I want to explode at the moment that I find myself deciding that this event would be a great "Bitch." Like today, my manager said something about being "politically correct," and of course I started to pop off, but then I though, hmm, maybe I'll put it up here. Believe me, my brain immediately started boiling on this one.

First of all, it shouldn't be POLITICALLY correct, it should be POLITELY correct. I think the basis behind that whole thing was at one point, political. I mean, our fine elected officials can't seem to refer to an Indian anymore, now they are Native Americans (damn skippy too! Don't even get me started on how we fucked them over!) or that brown guy isn't a black guy anymore, he's an African-American. Wait right there. Maybe if his Dad had come over from Zimbabwe, then he could be that, but I figure that guys is about as much African as I am Scottish. Only in ancestry does it figure in. Now Afro -American sounds a little better, even cooler, but still, we have to have a sort of label for some reason. It's a political thing because the politicians don't want to offend anyone. When it comes down to me and you, what do we care? As long as we aren't demeaning anyone or harassing them then is it wrong?

Just as an example, I was watching this lady walk by, and to put plainly, she was BIG! I mean she was pushing 350 easily, and I popped of to my buddy next to me "Wow, that's a big one!" Of course, he smiled painfully at me and the person walking ahead of me (not the fat chick - some other person - who was much thinner then me, like it matters) looked over her shoulder and gave me a disapproving look. I wanted to say something, instead I gave her a big grin. See, to me, I'm a fat guy, I'll admit it. Oh yeah, I'm also a CRIPPLE!! Now in my little brain that gives me carte blanche to say something to that blimp with tits, or the the guy with a nub where his hand should be, but is it right? That's where the debate hides. That is the point where you should be POLITELY correct. Being polite is that part of you that falls in the realm of Values & Morals. Should you make the whale joke? Should you tell the nub guy he couldn't find his ass with both hands? No. You know it's not right, it's mean, it's cruel, and won't be stood for, because that is what makes bullies. I was never a bully and I won't start being one now. Will I say something if you say something wrong to me? Oh yeah, you'll think I have Tourette's syndrome if you get me fired up. Then again, that's just me and we all know that I am truly blessed with skull full of bad wiring.

Like I said to my boss, POLITICALLY correct is being in the right party at the time everything in the country is going good. Then you can blame it on the other guys.

I’m done for today. If you can, Consider yourself "Bitched at."

Come back soon for another exciting session of "The Daily Bitch." I'm going to be trying for a new post on Mondays and Thursdays. See you then.