Monday, June 03, 2002

Ok, let's see if I remember how to type.... FUCK...yep that still works. Good let's begin.

Today is my first real day back at work and I'm finishing up the rebuild of my machine (THANKS MR. JOE), and I make the mistake of doing a favor. Come to find out what I thought would be a 20 minute ticket has quickly turned into a 3 hour job. Piece of shit machine! I finally got it back on the domain after checking through the bindings! Who in the world would check the bindings, but apparently Mr. customer decided to get a wireless network going at home and the freaking Linksys software changed the bindings. Then he wonders how come he can't get mail. HEY SHIT FOR BRAINS! IT'S A WORK MACHINE, IT AIN'T ONE OF YOUR PLAYTOYS FOR HOME!!! Oh well.

I've been very depressed(?), disallusioned(?), morose(?) about this job lately. Call me crazy, but most of all I feel like I got the "high hard one" for all the work I did down at the the "other place." No thanks from anyone at Ed's house, no calls, nothing. I get that feelings I just wasted my time. Of couse from my 'mates here, I got lot's of "Hi, Howdies, and glad-to-have-you-backs," but nothing else from the authorities. Quit? Sounds like a grand idea, but then what will I do. Nah, rather hang around here and wait to see if DeJuan get some action going.

This machine is now done, time to go harass the customer some more!


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