Thursday, May 09, 2002

Hooray! I have something to do! I was talking to Ms. Pat (our tech writer) and was telling her how NOT busy I was and before you could say "can I help you with anything?" I'm proofreading her server build documents. This is great! Not only do I get to review the docs, I get to build servers using the docs (very important) and as an added bonus, my name (might) appear on the docs themselves since I assisted. FINALLY! Something usefull to do! Now onto the really fun part!

See, down here they have two teams, one is deskside and one is Mail/server. Now the deskside get to do some work on the file & print servers, but they have NO rights to the Exchange, BDC, or PDCs. Did I mention that DS cannot even change passwords? Apparently they have NO RIGHTS to the main domain. Oh sure they can add people to the building specific machine domains, much like our ****CR1 (wink, wink), but they have no ability to do anything in the ***MC domain (follow me? I'm using this for an example). See the Mail guys look at the Desktop guys like they are morons and the Desktop guys think the Mail folks are prima donnas!

Now imagine if you can, our chunky little hero arrives on scene with a team of very proficient SAs. Apparently when they create our accounts they add us to the Account Ops group. This allows us to log into the Mail guys special domain. Now in the process of building a BDC, one of the Mail guys who we'll call Mr. Lee, see that I can log in. This immediately confirms his worst fears: A desktop SA has the same rights as him! His panties bunch up and his dick twists up into a knot and he goes crying to his Team lead (I'll go into the infra setup later) and before you can WHAT THE FUCK? I can no longer log into this server. Let me explain why this happened.... See Ms Pat has been working with the teams here to get the docs corrected, created, and generally in order. Well, not everyone is really open to this idea because they have to set aside time for her (see my previous blog about her and the handrails). So Mr Lee is told he has to build these servers as part of this rollout project they (the mail guys) are working on. All of a sudden Ms Pat has a brainstorm and decides to let me and a couple of the desktop guys build the server. Proof positive that the build documents are correct especially if someone who has SOME server experience can do it. Mr Lee is told he has to "supervise" this rather then do it and he freaks and starts babbling on and on about how he is too busy. Next thing you know, Ms. Pat tears the handrails off the back of Mr Lee (mounted their a month earlier for easy access to riding his ass around) and turns them into steel nun-chukas and proceeds to beat his ass down like the whiney little bitch he is. Okay, so what really happened is that when he started whine, Ms Pat said that we (as in him and her) should go over to the appropriate manager's office and discuss it. At that moment he caved and said he would comply. SMACK!! WHO'S MY BITCH NOW??

Now Mr Lee did not take this well at all, you could tell he was fuming, but with no way to get back at her, he struck back at us. Bringing us to where we are today, with your hero in the middle of one really smelly shit storm. Because even if we did have those rights by accident, the PROCESS was not followed to take them away and THAT is the core of this little feces flurry! Now to top it all off, since he pulled my rights, while I was logged in, my profile appears to have corrupted something on the machine, so we have to spend 3 hours rebuilding it so we are sure that nothing is wrong with it. I mean it is a BDC and can't have any mistakes on it, now can we.

Check you later, the wind is blowing in and it don't smell good!!

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