Monday, March 25, 2002

Ok, I'm here and the first thing they have us doing is helping some client manager person install a macro to 30 or so machines. Lots of fun, but I'm a little confused so far. Still waiting to see what is going to happen after lunch. Ass is still sore from the anal probe I got at the airport when I made the mistake of saying "those M-16s you guys are carrying are the bomb!" Went downhill really fast from there. They seemed really touchy for some reason.....

On the other hand the "guys" here are really approachable ( read: glad to see us). It appears as we only got half the story. Might be the owner of the contract (wink wink) might be close to losing the contract. It is definately a case of too much work vs. not enough "guys" especially since they just lost 2 to layoffs. Mario (one of the "guys") explained a lot that seemed to have gotten lost in the story that was told my Mr. Bill. Customer handling skills here seemed to require a lot time spent on your knees (figuratively speaking) or you end up with a nasty report to your manager. I believe it has a lot to do with the "ratio" that they have, not to mention how touchy the client base appears to be. Written procedures seem to be a lost art down here also contributing to some of the problem. You should have seen there face when I explained about our special "team" that closes tickets using remote tools, all over the country.

Our newest charcter in the story is Ms. Laura, who is their leader, she is going to interview us after lunch and see who has the right mindset(?) to be sent downtown.

Speaking of bombs, I casually mentioned about a outsourcing thing happening in Rochester. Seems they have never heard of this. Looks like there will be some "bar meetings" while some stuff gets explained.

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