Friday, May 17, 2002

Woooo Hooooo! It was a "welcome" day of sorts!

Now mind you I don't feel that DeJuan gave me a proper "Howdy," but what the hell, it leasts it something. I could have done without his "checkbook" information though. Reading that didn't leave me with a warm fuzzy at all! I guess I'll be letting go of that dead horse, which is a good thing, cause it was getting kind smelly being 17 days old and all.

I've got a little more to say, but I believe it is also "Daily Bitch" material. I heard something on a phone call yesterday. It leads me down a wandering path about personalities. You know, whose got them, who don't, whose bugs you, and possibly, how much your's bug them (GASP!). Is it possble that someone doesn't like you? More about that at another time and another place.

So it's time for me to do the airport thing. Only 2 more flights after this one. Only 4 more days of being away. Only a little more of this situation with expense reports and Amex cards. Will the blog close? Will it end? Nahhh, there will always be something small bugging me and since this has been mostly dealing about work, maybe I'll keep doing it, even when I get back to the "X" becasue there's always something happening there!

Peace out! Word to yo' Moms!

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Gosh, You like me! You really like me!

Of course, maybe I present a little diversion into the boredom we know as our employment. First and foremost, Welcome to day 16, of the "I don't think DeJuan likes me much cause I haven't got a welcome note from him" whine. This is the longest running whine on this board! Of course, it may be the only whine in here, but don't worry because I'll be serving cheese later (insert drum noise here)!

Oh yeah, still no Amex Card - Hypocrite alert! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! WHERE'S MY CARD? Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! Art spending his own money - not happy! This alert is not over - just filtered out. I had a bit of an epiphany last night (much to my wife's chagrin - she got to call me ball-less dork because she knew I would go back without the card). Any ways, I was thinking about this whole card thing. I was told to expect it in 8-13 business days maybe sooner. Hmm, okey-dokey, I'll go with that. Now, if I don't get the card in the mail within the next 3 days (thurs, fri, or sat) then I won't need it. I mean if it arrives Monday, why bother having my wife Fedex it to me? It would take a day or two, so I'll end up having it only for one day? So I'll check with Amex myself!

Call #1 (main corporate Card number)...blah blah...Ok Mr SS# number only shows one card which is cancelled. What you might want to do is call the application number and see what the status is. (that seems like a good idea) Thank you!

Call #2 (application status number)...blah blah...Ok Mr Art...(I explain ENTIRE situation)..hmm, Okay I see what happen. It looks like the application came in at the same time the card was cancelled. This caused the application to be denied (not processed) because it appeared to the "system" that you already have a card and we don't allow people to have to corp cards in the same name. I see what has happened and I'll approve this application right now. It will take a couple of hours to process but it WILL go out today for delivery tomorrow (so I will have it Friday night). We are really sorry about this, but these situations aren't typical....blah ...blah..Have a nice day!


What do I say? Catch you later!

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Good day to you!

And then you woke up to the screaming hell that is your life!!! Just kidding, I love my job, no really I do! No wait, get away from me with that needle! I don't want to put on the hug me sweater!

Welcome to day #14 with no "Welcome to my house" from Dejuan. Not that I'm feeling testy or anything, after all, I'm used to the fine mushroom treatment I got from Ed, so why would anything change? My manager (who prefers not to be named in my blog), got an official-type note to confirm a conversation that I had with Mr. Steve. Basically, everyone is all done effective May 31. Niiiicccce! Good thing too! I'm done effective the 23rd and I'm planning on taking some much needed "decompress" time during the week of the 27th. So you folks won't get to see my shiney face until June 3rd.

You know I have to admit, that I'm a bit of a hypocrite. Yeah I know, it's hard to believe, but I went back on my word. See I said that I would come back and stop this whole nonsense if I had to pay out of my pocket, but yet here I am. Ed took his card back, and Dejuan is promising me that his in the mail. What do I do? Quietly acquiece to the whole thing. If Dejuan promised then I'll believe him. Of course I wasn't looking at that other hand that had a tube of KY jelly in it. Needless to say 13 days later and $300 in the hole, here I am. Well at least I have plane fare home, a rental car, and a hotel room. What more could I want? HOW ABOUT THE FUCKING TRUTH ONCE IN A WHILE? HOW ABOUT A COMPANY THAT WON'T BEND YOU OVER LIKE A HORNY SHEEP SHEPARD THEY ARE AND TAKE THE SKINBOAT TO TUNA TOWN???

Okay, that was uncalled for I know. You get the general idea. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. You know what? I don't care. There's a shock right? Speaking of shocks, someone is in for a good one. I wrote by "Lessons Learned" paper today. This is what I'm giving to the managers when I leave. You know how that works, it's everything I observed, my opinions, inefficiencies that could be corrected. Just imagine a politically correct Blog and you have the idea.

Well it's time to get back to the hotel. Later!

Monday, May 13, 2002

Alright! So no post Friday (May 10) since I was building a server AND I left here about 12:30 to go to the airport. Hope everyone had a nice mother's day, especially Ms Gina and my sister-in-law The Liz-ard (as I call her), two of the newest mom's I know!

Now on to the Blog! Had a reletively good flight in, if you don't mind bouncing around the cabin. When we left Roch-cha-cha, it was a bit on the foggy side. The cloud deck was around 150 feet. That was pretty cool watching the planes go "poof" into it. At least until you're on one of those planes. Typical "dick-in-zipper" day the air line though. They had no flight crew (cause they were at the hotel using up their federally regulated sleep time) so they couldn't move the plane up to the gate. Cool, get to go out of the terminal, onto the tarmac (did I mention it was raining?) and wait on the stairs until they finished wheeling Methusalah's grandmother into a seat. Then our 7:40 flight didn't leave the ground until 8:20ish. Just a weee bit behind the schedule. I like a little turbulence, let's you know that you have to have something inherently wrong with you in order to strap into a big silver tube and buzz around the countryside.

Once I got to work, it looked like a good Monday, at least until Mr Lee started cursing. Apparently someone broke his server and you can be sure who is trying to pin it on! Yours truly. What really bothers me, is that I'm hearing it from the other side of the fence. He said some words to Ms. Pat along those lines of idiots screwing up the server, she told him, how could they do that, they you HIS APPROVED documentation. Of course he was not there supervising the whole thing, but come on, this is me. If there was a problem I would have seen it long before he did. It would have cropped up in all the reboots I did. The last time I saw it working correctly HE was working on it. Something smells funny here and it's not my cologne! I feel bad because he's been taking a lot of heat from his fellow co-workers and it may have been me, but I rebooted several times and it worked fine, I almost want to offer my help, but I know that deep in his little red-neck heart he thinks I'm the ignorant fuck responsible for him having to bust a hump to get it working.

Screw it, guilt is for suckers! I did it and I'm glad I did it! You know what? I'll do it again! Well as soon as I figure out what "it" was, I will, mark my words.

Time for dinner - Later!