Friday, January 24, 2003

So it happened again today. It started with a quiet phone call this morning. Rumors of a "mandatory meeting" were circulating. That can only mean one thing around here: Layoffs. Can you believe it. We didn't even make it to the 90-day mark. This time it was only one from my immediate area. Why? Because this person made the mistake of taking too much vacation at one time. Whoops! "Hey while you were gone, we learned we could live without you! Clean your desk out!" I'm sure it didn't go that way, but I'm sure that's what it felt like.

I'm hearing a lot of things. More sad & bad then good. The local management is concerned, but the good thing is that for once, they are looking out for us. Yep, it didn't take long for it to degenerate into chaos. The transitioned vs. the new owners. We started at 200 and now we are down to 165 (estimate) in less then one year. How could this happen? It's all about the bottom line, the profit, the moolah, bling-bling baby....

Here's a great story from the front lines. This co-worker I know saw this really great job on and he applied for it. They were excited about this job, it was right in line with what they do already. So they apply for it and have a nice phone interview. It went really well for them, and they were excited. Alas, the happiness was short-lived because they got an e-mail from the interviewer at the company... you know how this goes, blah-blah, thanks for interviewing..position has been filled, etc. etc.. Now the great part of this story is that the interviewer sent the same note to ALL the people who applied for the position. Only one problem, rather then put the names in the BCC field, he put them all in the TO field.


Imagine this person's suprise when they see 3 other co-workers names in the addressee field. Yeah THREE other people from the very same company that they work for! That is something. Now if this ain't blog material then nothing is. Can you believe it? I couldn't, not even for a minute, but it's true. Now these other 3 people many or may not be the very best of crop, but still that's three people out of local group of 50 or so? Is it a case of the rats deserting the ship while it's sinking or do they see what's coming too? Wow! I wonder if management knows this is how disenchanted the troops are. What would they do if they did know? Is there anything they can do? How bad is morale around here? Obviously worse then I thought, that's for sure.

I consider myself an asset and I'm sure they folks do to. The cuts are coming so should you wait for them or do you get proactive and get the job before they fire you. Now if you're a smart person, you'll go now. Why? Because, if you get out there now, you can get one of the good jobs while they still exist. If you stay then you'll be here with the leftovers. Now by leftovers, I mean the people who can't find a job, the morons, and those people who work cheap and are scared.

I saw a quote on someone's cube: "Work like you don't need the money." Why? Because. You know, because is not a good answer, it ranks right up there with a shoulder-shrug. Isn't is easier to just say you don't know? is. Nothing wrong with not knowing. I'll admit to that. I consider myself an intelligent person (if you think that being loaded with vast amounts of trivial info is intelligence), but I'm not a smart guy. My common sense is lacking quite a bit. So what that happens if you work like you don't need the money? What is the reward? A hearty thank-you and a sound pat on the back? Thanks, but I'd like that bonus, or maybe a raise...yeah... How about this one: "Arbieite sind mach!" It's in German, and it says (loosely) work makes you free....It was on the sign above the entrance to Auschwitz. Yeah...that was a bit offensive, but then again, it's my blog.

Consider this. While I was at my last job, I thought Dilbert was funny. Now it's sad. Why? Because many times it is so true that it hurts. I was told "Give a man a job he loves and he'll never work a day in his life." Dad, there's a smart guy. Sage words to live by, and I really try to, but it get's harder and harder to enjoy my job anymore.

Well, I have to run. I have to go polish up my resume. Yeah...that's right DOCTOR....hmm...they'll never check to see if I got a PhD from a foreign college....

Monday, January 20, 2003

Okay! I'm back. It looks like I've been gone for awhile while I heal, but as I gain strength, I feel I must turn and do something.

We've passed a point, I've had a life changing experience. Did it make a difference? You know it! I can walk, there's no pain, and I'm losing wieght (slowly). It looks rosey, but it's not. I have a dark spectre hanging over me. It's the thoughts that are setting in my head, just hanging there. Questions with no answers. So here I am again. Alone with my thoughts.

We had layoffs again at work. This was round #2 and it we know that it's not the last. I watched two good friends catch the whack this time. Then I look around and see the incompetant getting to stay. WHAT THE FUCK? Have I lapsed into some surreal dream state? Have I been magically transported to Bizarro world where everything is opposite? No. Same old cube. Same wife, same son. No, it's just some folks get lucky.

Fear, it's an ugly thing to scared. It's even worse to be scared at work. Now, we all wonder who's next? You know it will happen again it's just a matter of time. I don't ant to be fired. I don't want to look for a job. Reality sets in though so I've tweaked up the resume for that "just in case" scenario. It's just a matter of time. Well enough of this. Let's catch a bit of the Daily Bitch!

Alright! It's a new year, time for some new resolutions. Let's see, first of all I resolve to try and be more tolerant of the ignorance that happens around me. I mean come on, you know what I'm saying here, it's not like you haven't seen it first hand. It could be someone on TV, on the street, or even at your job. It's that one person, you know the one I'm talking about, that can barely breath and walk at the same time. Maybe it's a co-worker that you work with every freaking day. When the layoffs come, lots of good people go, but there that person is working away at problem for hours that any 12 year-old could have completed. I will really try hard not to use the words "Fucking Clueless" when describing a person, no matter how much it applies to them. Maybe I'll use new techies terms like "Walking 404" or "cranially insufficient," just so it sounds a little more polite.

I resolve to be nicer. Not that I'm not already a nice person. I just feel that I could be nicer to strangers and the people around me. That is unless it involves letting someone take advantage of me. Yep, try to use me as a doormat, you'll be walking on a nub. I'm tired of people wanting to take advantage of my good nature because I have some psychological guilt thing working. I'm a nice guy, just leave me alone unless you really need that done. The next dork to call me buddy or pal will wish they hadn't. See already I think I'm blowing this resolution.

I resolve to get out and exercise. Now that my hip is all fixed (more on that later), I need to stop being such a fat bastard and join the skinny "in" crowd. Like that is going to happen! I've done the hard part, paying the money or a gym membership, now I need to get in there on a regular basis. Need to lose the blubber before it kills me. See, I have the fat gene or at least that what the scientists believe. It does not give me an excuse to be fat, it just means I have to work harder to keep from ballooning up like a dead cow under the hot sun. I'm going to do it. You can bet me on that one.

I resolve to stop giving such a shit about my job. It has become fully apparent that it does not seem to matter how smart or clever you may be, it won't matter when it comes down to wire. You can drive yourself into the ground doing the best you can. You can get glowing reviews, lots of bonuses and all the "pats on the back" you could ever deserve or wish for. What does it matter when it comes to the bottom line? Nothing. I watched it happen last year and I know that as sure as most CEOs are overpaid cocksuckers, it will happen again. No matter how much the person you work for likes you, if his/her boss says "fire him," you're history. I watch the team I work with get smaller and smaller. You'd think my co-workers would circle the wagons and protect each other. Nope. It's too bad that now all we can do is gossip about who is next and who deserves it more. I don't want to go to bed at night knowing that I caused someone to catch a pinkslip. That is unless they do deserve it because they are a waste of cubicle space. In that case, let me do it, I promise I won't smile, much.

I resolve to improve my morale. That could happen, especially if all the above happen. My morale has been going up and down faster then a $10 hooker at a Shriner's convention. There are really moments when I thought that I was manic depressive or something. Come to find out, I'm the same borderline sociopath I've always been. It's just the events around me that are bringing me down. Why worry? Be happy!