In a weird twist of events, Nicki has deleted the post that got John busted. Although there is a new one there.
From Nicki's MySpace page:
"....the parents of john: my mom didnt ground me or anything for jumping out of a window, or the fact that i was over there. im almost 18. in fact, she thinks your over protective freaks. hes 17, not 12. get over it, hes not gonna a kid forever. just so you know."
To Nicki:
Uh... I'm rubber, your glue... bounces off of me and sticks to you. (cough, cough) Skank! (cough, cough)
I had like a whole tirade typed out, but then I stopped and thought why? Let's leave sleeping dogs lie, I erased it and changed it to what I have above. I like that much better!
Also, due to an outpouring of sympathy to John from those whose life he has touched, I have relented and dropped the punishment down to 2 weeks, rather then 30 days. Although his computer is still getting moved into the kitchen. The "have a computer in the room" privilege is gone until further notice (he'll also be sharing it with his 3 yr old sister too).
I can only hope that he learns that his actions do have consequences. I did a lot of crazy shit when I was his age as my mom so recently pointed out to me after she read this. She also stated she would have beaten me too. She caught me at a lot of it, but some she did not. Maybe there is a lesson for me to learn somewhere in there?
PS... last night, his friend Jean came over to say howdy. It was getting dark and I offered Jean a ride home. Jean declines saying he only lives like a 5 minute walk away. Confused, I look at John who realizes that ANOTHER lie just caught up to him. Yep, this was the kid who was supposed to live so far way that it took him so long to get home (the original lie). All I could do was just shake my head at John.