Thursday, December 11, 2003

Whew! Time to blog!

We are now headed rapidly towards the end of the year and what a year it has been. On the personal front, I'm a new Dad! That's been a whole experience in itself AGAIN. See I already have a 14 yr old son and so much time has passed that it's all new to me again. Enough about me, let's get on to the fun stuff!

For those of you following along, it looks like DeJuan has been in a nasty fight with Ed. Ed want us to come back and live with him. Why? I think it's because we brought home enough of the bacon to make it worth having us around. Ain't that the shit? So, with Ed romancing us regularly, the rumor of full scale "moving day" is supposed to be scheduled for early spring. Oh yeah...I'm good for some of that! Apparently Ed is hip to our situation and will be increasing our allowance. Well not everyone's, but he's got this whole performance thing down (you know how pimps can be).

I'm happy. We knew it was coming. As me and a Ronsey had decided to finally get what we could out of DeJuan by enrolling in his 401k plan. It took us the better part of a week to get enrolled only to have DeJuan announce 30 days later that he was freezing the contributions. Hmm...first the raises, then the 401k.. does anyone smell that? I have a conspiracy theory about that whole 401k thing. As I see it, I think that DeJuan had a idea or an inkling that something like this was going to happen. Rather then keep paying into the 160 or so plans of people who would soon be moving back to Ed's house, he got clever and shut it off. Makes perfect sense to me, sure it pisses of your other housemates, but look how happy they will be when it gets un-frozen. Apparently Ed is gonna cough up a chunk of cash when the van pulls out of the driveway.

Things will be wierd once we get back to Ed's I'm sure of that. You know that whole "I only did this because I loved you and someday you'll understand if you really love me" kind of thing. Uh-huh. See the fun is just starting. See, the X is about to make things really interesting come June. See it's been 10 years of up and down's when it comes to Ed and his X, but this summer, I think she's talking about changing some things. What happens then? Layoffs, I'd bet my right testicle on that. Hopefully I ain't on that list but I know some people that should be (that's mean huh?).

Ok...enough for now...
but keep watching, I feel a new year's resolution coming on..yeah, more regular updates, more fiber less filler! Ohhh don't forget to expect a Daily Bitch on how things piss me off!


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