Wednesday, June 12, 2002

June 12, 2002 - Vol. 5 - Issue 1

First of all, I know that I have been away for a little bit and it's been a little while since I had a good "Bitch session." There are reasons, like I've been busy with my life, etc., etc., but you could care less. Even though my life has been going fairly smoothly, events have transpired that have convinced me that now, more then ever, I need to keep this updated, if nothing else then for my own sanity. Oh yeah, thanks to those that read my BLOG while I was away, it was your feedback that convinced me of what I had to do. So as I had said, there have been "changes" in my life and that's what today is all about.

Change can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. Like changing your undies everyday. That's a good thing because no one want to smell them suckers after you been wearing them a few days and the funk starts emanating from them. Changing your clothes is a good thing too, unless you have poor fashion taste, then it's one nightmare after another for the people around you. Changing your significant other can be a good thing AND a bad thing. Learning all the "stuff" from your new partner can be really fun, but at the same time, the old baggage from your last partner can tend to hang around like the funk from those britches you been wearing for the last 4 days.

At the company I work for, we have gone through a BIG change. We were "outsourced" to a smaller company. Now even though we all still sit at the same desk, have the same phone, and do the same job, we have new bosses, a new name on the paycheck, and suck-ass health benefits. How could this happen? Well, first of all they (original company) tried to keep us in the dark by not communicating anything to us. Only by some industrious digging on the web and reading between the lines were they FORCED to admit what was going to happen. So finally, after the shit was spread really thick, did we finally get to wipe off and take a look at the plans. Can you freaking believe it? It was almost a total coup-detat, we were able to get the BIG GUYS to show us. We were kept in the dark intentionally for so long I started the Mushroom Revolution.

I guess that some changes can be good, but this particular change was a virtual 24/7 rumor generator. Everyday we would hear something that was the contrary to what we had heard the day before. Then without much ado at all, it happened. The Announcement. Now it was official, there was a change going to happen whether we liked it or not. See this is what I trying to figure out. How a change that you cannot control can piss you off and make you a really FUCKING BITTER! See, it's almost like being told you are going to die. You have those same types of stages of acceptance:

  1. DENIAL. "What? No freakin' way this is going to happen. They can't do this to us! If we do this we don't have the layoffs again? Yeah right, Kiss my ass!"
  2. ANGER. "YOU BASTARDS! This is my repayment for years of loyalty? Kiss my ass, you greedy corporate shits!"
  3. BARGAINING. "Well, it is a smaller company. We'll have more room to move to different positions. Did someone say we'll get to do hardware support?"
  4. DEPRESSION. "Oh man, did you see their health benefits? These suck. A new badge? Aww, now I'm a sub-contractor? That's like shit under the lowest pond scum."
  5. ACCEPTANCE. "Oh well, at least I have a job."

Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Me? I think I'm swinging back and forth on all of them and have yet to settle into the acceptance phase because I'm pissed about it. All I want is some answers to some really easy questions. Like why? or maybe my favorite: "Can I see the money math for this transition?" I mean, call me crazy if you want, but you have to want to know the whole what, why, when, where, and how of this situation. Or maybe just I do. I just want to walk up to the person in charge and kick him in the nuts for trying to keep us in the dark. What would that accomplish? Not much, just a little satisfaction of how it feels to have your loyalty tossed back in your face.

I thought I knew how funny Dilbert was at my last position, now it's so true it's tough to find the humor, but given my sense of humor and twisted nature, I'll find it. Besides, it's only a matter of time before the new bosses find out who I am.

I’m done for today. Consider yourself "Bitched at."

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