Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Well, not much today. Yesterday they had a bomb scare here, so everyone got a half day since it happened at 11am and they didn't re-open the building until 6pm.

Speaking of bombs, I opened up a board on Yahoo where we can discuss the impending shaft "they" are calling the transition. Go here or send me an e-mail and I'll send you an invite to make it easier!

So Mr Steve came by and explained how we have to start doing our finaces for a week or two while "they" get their collective heads out of their collective asses and get us some credit cards and expense reports. You know, the novelty has quickly worn off of this whole thing. I don't feel like I'm being utilized correctly, The workload (IMHO) doesn't merit having us here (unless something big is going to happen really soon), and I miss the family. Now I'm going to have to jump through hoops and depend on someone else, which leaves me feeling like I'm bad because I won't carry $650 of debt for a week at a time so I can help the company. People knew we were out here on this TDY and still no one has answers about when we are getting our stuff. All I can do is count on other people to make sure it is being followed up on. As if they don't have enough to do, the 4 of use on this TDY are a blip on the screen and then it's not even a big blip. I think we 4 should just say screw it and come home until we get it all straightened out. Something tells me it would happen a lot faster that way. Either that or they would "find" some EDS people who aren't getting dinked to come and fill our spots.

This whole transistion thing is such a clusterfuck that I'm amazed they are even trying it. I think it would be better if it wasn't rushed, but they are and it is going to be bad. Trust me on this one! Maybe not the whole thing, but there are going to be major pitfalls. Anyone want to make book on how many will NOT sign? I'm saying 5 minimum. I've got a feeling about that number!

I'm done. I wanna go home, I wanna go back to the tower and relax at my desk. Later!

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